Should I Be Bothered that He Follows Instamodels?

Oof; what a question. I will be doing a post about this soon, but in today’s day and age the line of what is and is not kosher in a relationship regarding online activity are pretty blurry. At one time it really bothered my when my partner followed fitness models on Instagram, because it made me feel very insecure and inferior in my own body. I realized though, that when I see a super attractive and ripped guy and mentally acknowledge that he is hot, that doesn’t mean I love Tim any less. And I think that is the healthiest way to get around it – in your mind, when you see another good looking person, does it take anything away from how you see your man? I highly doubt, if he really cares for you, he looks at you and wishes you were a size zero with bigger boobs, the same way you can enjoy a good fitness guru video, but want to cuddle up with your man more. What you need to realize, and really hear this, is that it has nothing to do with you and your value to him.

That said, all of relationships come back to communication and what you’re comfortable with. If it really, really bothers you that your partner follows models on Instagram, then that is something that you need to bring up with him. If you explain to him that it makes you feel insecure, he should understand and meet that concern with kindness. He might have an explanation that makes you feel better about it, or have an opinion that will change your point of view. If after talking about it, it still hurts you and he chooses to continue with that behaviour, then you may need to have a much more serious conversation about whether or not you want to stay in that relationship.

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